Friday, July 19, 2013

Fujifilm X20 mirror-less camera - Studio Testing

I met up with my friend and photo bud, Pete Dixon at his work at Central Texas Harley-Davidson where he has set up Novotron Studio lighting for photographing inventory, namely, pre-owned motorcycles. I connected the wireless transmitter to my X20 hot-shoe and dialed in my settings to ISO 250, f.9, 1/60.  I also selected NegHi and NegLo for film simulation. NegHi is a bit more contrast but tuned for portraits. NegLo is less contrast.  This 12mb sensor is 2/3" in size.

These set of photos underscore that "lighting is everything" when it comes to photography. Again, the acid test is to print a 12x18 or bigger.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fujifilm X20 - testing continues with a portrait

While I was on facebook the other day, someone posted a photo of Charles Darwin with a quote by him written off to the side of the empty space of the image.  I couldn't help but think of my cousin Michael Ximenez and how similar they look.  I called him up and he agreed to pose for me.  I am recreating solely on inspiration. This is the third time of done this.
  I am using the Fujifilm X20 mirror-less camera, ISO 250, 1/125, f2.8 and a speedlight aimed at the ceiling.

I am regularly surprised at the detail of the images from this small-sensored camera. Under-exposed areas appeared a bit muddy, but when the exposure is correct the images look quite film-like. I think the acid test is to eventually make a large print, maybe 12x18.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fujifilm X20 - more outdoor testing evening light

I'm curious of the performance of the Fujifilm X20 camera in real world situations. I have no scientific gear to measure anything except the built-in light meter and the histogram readings in Lightroom.
It's a partly cloudy early evening at a favorite restaurant Twin Peaks where there is  Hot Rod Night.
People vote on their favorite vehicles and the winner gets a door prize. Here are some photographs.

There is very little tweaking in Lightroom by the way, all have some amount of adjustment. All photographs were shot is Jpeg-Fine, ISO 250. Most were shot in Program-mode, which I don't always trust.
But, there it is ... Not bad for a small sensor point n shoot that has full manual capabilities.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fujifilm X20

Fujifilm X20 is still a delight to use. Last Saturday me and a friend headed to the local camera store, Precision-Camera in Austin and their was a demo/class in progress  given by my old mentor, Randy Kerr. He was demonstrating the RapidBox collapsable umbrella-softbox attached to a speed light strobe fired with a Pocket Wizard.

He asked if I'd like to try using my Fuji X20 with the Pocket Wizard and photograph the model. Here is a sample.

I set my Fuji X20 to the same values as the Nikon D800 he was using too.  I think this is a bit jaw-dropping beautiful !

Oh did I mention this is JPEG???